Saturday, April 18, 2009

David Palumbo

Hello. It has been a while since I posted. NO excuses.

A successful month overall. Coordinated a major staging event at Heinz Hall; a recognition dinner for work. I feel I covered every base that was expected and surprised them with the final look. I still find it difficult to deal with the owner of the staging company, but I feel I have more patience than he has and I know more of what we need and how to execute. A picture of the stage is below. I also know when to step back and when to step forward.

As I was catching up on the RSS feeds, I looked over one of my favorite illustrators, David Palumbo. He has a web site appropriately named David Palumbo and I follow his blog, which he call, Dave Palumbo blogspot.

Below are some samples of his work.

I think his nudes are exquisite. At times a bit raw in the poses, but the style of painting and his brushstrokes inspire me. The one above is one of the ones I feel is very tastefully done yet modest in the nudity.

alinastephanie 10X17 oil on illustration board

Most of David's paintings are small (5X7) but they can get rather large (18X22).
The particular one above, "AlinaStephanie", is very cool. Look at the image the two girls are standing in front of - it takes a trained eye and a fair amount of patience to find something like that. I am guessing that they were not even aware of the large mural behind them. A very cool exercise in wondering who they are. Are they looking at the approaching transit? Did an accident just happen and only one of them notices while the other is simple complacently waiting for the bus?

It gives me an idea for a way to do more figure drwaings. Taking snapshots of people at the transit stops - and then sketching from there. Yes, for sure, I am sure it is done all the time. I would also think there is some danger - I can imagine some young thug or grouchy person yelling because their photo was taken with out permission. I am also wondering if any artist actually get their subjects to sign releases?

Look at the eyes on this subject. I can just imagine the comment you might get after snapping her pic. She looks a bit innocent yet there is a hint of surprise in her eyes. And possibly an inquisition.

randi 13X18 oil on illustration board

The last two paintings were part of a series he submit to the Art House in Philadelphia. If you cruise through the artist list you will see his name.

David does a fair amount of commercial illustration for magazines, movie poster, book covers.
Please check out his page or blog.

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